What Kind of Church are We?

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The name of our assembly reveals the substance of our convictions, doctrine, and practice.


“And he is the head of the body, the church…that in all things he might have the preeminence.” - Colossians 1:18

We believe that Jesus Christ is the great point of integration of all things. He is the creator, upholder, and sustainer of all things. All things are by Him, through Him, and to Him. He is the unrivaled Sovereign of the universe. Mankind is called to love, obey, serve, and glorify Jesus Christ. Therefore, Christ is the foundation and summation of all that we do.


“…truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.” - I John 1:3b

We believe that God, in His Word, has revealed not only His will, but also Himself. God manifests His character and attributes that we may know Him and have a personal relationship with Him. The Second Person of the Godhead, Jesus Christ came into this world to reconcile Holy God with sinful man and place those two parties in a state of loving fellowship. All those who have come to know God through Christ should likewise fellowship with one another for the glory of God and their own spiritual good.


“…I lay down my life for the sheep.” John 10:15b

We believe that the salvation of mankind is the sole work of God from beginning to end. The Father planned salvation, the Son accomplished salvation, and the Holy Spirit applies salvation. Specifically, salvation was accomplished by the death of Christ on Calvary’s cross. Some say that on the cross Jesus merely made salvation possible for all men. However, we affirm, along with our Particular Baptist forefathers, that Jesus actually saved a particular group of people, becoming their substitutionary atonement and securing their redemption in His blood. All for whom Jesus died on the cross will surely come to Him in time and no one for whom Jesus died will ever perish, because He is the Good Shepherd.


“And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” - Acts 2:42

We believe that the doctrines most commonly held among the people called Baptist are most in-line with the beliefs and practices of the apostolic church as seen in the New Testament. Some of these doctrines include regenerate church membership, believer’s baptism by immersion, and the autonomy of the local assembly.


“…upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” - Matthew 16:18b

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ established His New Covenant church during His earthly ministry. The Lord’s church is a local company of visible saints united by their faith in the Gospel and their partaking of the ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper. To His church, Jesus gave the commission of preaching the Gospel and discipling the nations. Christ’s church was accredited and empowered through the corporate indwelling of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Jesus has promised the perpetuity of His church until the end of the world.

The word “chapel” is synonymous with the word “church” and was commonly used by Particular Baptists in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.