What’s Sunday Like?


If you are considering visiting with us, there may be some things you’d like to know first. Here’s what you can expect at a CFPBC worship service:

We Sing

We sing unto the Lord as a congregation. We believe that the purpose of a church’s music should not be to entertain its members, but to glorify God. You can expect to hear Christ-exalting, God-honoring songs that are rich with the praises of the Lord. We sing Psalms, classic hymns, and contemporary hymns.

We Preach

We believe that the focal point of any true worship service is the preaching of God’s word. You can expect to hear preaching and teaching from the Word of God at every service. We believe that the Bible ought to be preached as it was written, line-upon-line and precept-upon-precept. Expositional preaching is the meat and potatoes of our pulpit ministry.

We Fellowship

We gather to worship God as a family. Jesus said that His disciples would be known by their love for one another (John 13:35). We believe that a healthy church is a community of faithful families who are united by their love for each other and their mutual love for the Lord Jesus, and who serve, work, and worship together as one body. You can expect to see all ages present throughout the entirety of the service as we believe that all people, young and old, are indispensable members of Christ’s body. Also, don’t be surprised to see the congregation fellowshipping before and after the service.